More emotions for Facebook

You can now express more than just “like” on Facebook.
Facebook adds new reaction buttons.

For years’ people have been asking for it –  finally it came true! From now on you can do more than just click the “Like”-button below a Facebook status, an image or a posting. Expressing emotions like compassion, sadness or joy on Facebook aren’t a problem any longer.

Every user can now choose from five different emotions. Besides just “liking” something, you can also “love”, “laugh”, say “wow”, be “sad” or “angry”. As a motivation for this new selection Facebook refers to the problem of users having to “like” sad postings if they want to show their condolence.

To be able to see the new reactions on Facebook , you simply have to press the “Like”-button for a little while longer on your smartphone. On your computer you have to move the cursor across the “Like”-button. Initially 6 icons had been planned, but the icon “Yay”, to express that you agree on something, didn’t make it in the end – which is a pity, actually ;).


Foto: Fotogenerell3

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